My ds and dd used to looove SpongeBob SquarePants. I was occasionally amused, but mostly tortured by the little yellow sponge, but one thing that has stayed in our family lexicon is the "(x) years Layta" voiceover. If you've ever seen the show, you know what I am talking about.
Suddenly two years has passed. Faster even than on SpongeBob SquarePants episode!
Now I have to write something to encompass all that missing time!
Actually, I'm not going to worry about the gaping hole between posts.
I feel certain you will forgive me if I fill in the missing years over many posts as I reacquaint myself with this blog.
I still love home educating my kids. We tried a charter school last year. Did not work at all for my older boy, he haated it and left after a few weeks. But my dd liked it enough to stay for most of the year. Since we had made a commitment we stuck out the year, but it got really tough for her towards the end.
She got a great deal out of it, and it was a good experience overall, but I can't help but be bolstered in my decision because so much of what goes on in school is complete pomposity. Its a lot like life everywhere, people desperately trying to impress the people they suppose are judging them. The teachers seem eager to prove what wonderful stuff the kids are up to. They assign kids "projects" but the kids get very little say in what is done, or how, because then the project might not look as good. I kid you not. That drove me crazy!
My goal is to raise two independent thinking, whole, young adults who experience real joy from life and learning. Given our family circumstances, we feel fortunate that, for now, we can best accomplish that at home. I say I feel fortunate that is the case because now I get to hang out with these two wonderful kids a lot more!
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