I love the online program: Time for Learning. What is much more important, though, is that my daughter loves major parts of Time4 Learning! She doesn't love all of it, but there are parts that grip her attention and expose her to some very good traditional learning methods.
Since we are a strengths based, eclectic, unschooly home educating family, we allow our children to choose their own learning modes and DD often chooses to use Time4Learning, completely unprompted and of her own free will :-)
One of the best features as far a we are concerned, is the ability to switch between 3 grade levels for each subject. DD uses 5th grade English (after cranking through the 4th grade material because she enjoyed it so much) and alternates between 3rd & 4th grade Math, depending on her mood. She stays on grade level for Science and enjoys the Writing and Art components, too.
At $20 a month it is one of our most affordable resources. We used Brainpop last year, but that is really great as a backup to other interests. In our particular circumstance, Time for Learning is a much better use of our home ed dollars. Check em out if you have any interest in an easy, configurable online curriculum. and let me know what you think of them.... www.Time4Learning.com
So, do any of you already use Time for Learning? I'd love to hear your experiences or answer any questions you may have, just leave a note in the comments below!
Full Disclosure... Time4Learning gave its users an awesome option to review their program honestly and be compensated $25. I did it, and used the money to keep Time4Learning another month plus :-) The opinion is entirely my own, entirely authentic, and I would've done it even without such a great offer on the table, but it sure was great to get another month of it just for lending my thoughts.
Happy Home Educating!